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Artist | Annehz

Graffiti Art

Hong Kong

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About Annehz

Born in Macau, Annehz discovered her passion for visual arts at a very young age. Surprisingly, she had a knack for it too, which encouraged to pursue this route of no return, all the way to university, where she obtained a Bachelor Degree in Animations and Motion Graphics in Melbourne.

That's right, it wasn't an art degree, because she thought should try something else. Unfortunately, before she knew it, she's back doing art.

Annehz work ranges from stylised graphics to vibrant illustrations that contains her distinct love of all things quirky and cartoon. These days, very much like a mad scientist, Annehz continues to experiment with various tools and mediums, colours and compositions in order to open up more creative possibilities.

ANNEHZ’ Artist's statement

I enjoy experimenting and testing out various mediums to create a piece of work - whether it be on a wall, as part of an installation, skateboards, paper, digital, canvas. Much like trying a new ingredient in a food recipe, I am a firm believer that there are no boundaries to art and how it is being portrayed. I constantly search for new ways to expand my own creations - be it taking up a new tool to create a piece of work, or experimenting with a new surface or even mixing in mediums.

Just as a visual composition or a topic of a piece can help to convey a mood or an atmosphere - I tend to lean towards a vibrant colour palette to create a cheerful, positive vibe. Much like Bruce Lee’s philosophy on “water”, I use that as my main principle when creating a piece - a free flow artwork that isn’t restricted or bounded by rules or the surfaces to which it is created on.

ANNEHZ’ Client List

  • Maggie & Rose - The Pulse

  • Fish School - JIA Group

  • N*ICE POPS - The N*ICE Company

  • Craftissimo

  • Female Entrepreneurs Worldwide

  • Lulumon Athletica - Hysan Place

  • Secret Island Party - Hushup Events

  • Urban Pack Hostel

  • Franc Franc

  • English Whiskey Company

  • Skewer’d Franchise - Melbourne Australia


  • Hidden Street by Pearl Lam Gallery

  • Made in Melbourne by Auguste Clown Gallery

  • Winner of Secret Walls Clockenflap Edition 2015

Should you be interested in working with the artist, please contact us


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