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Artist | Dennissoap

Photography / Art Direction / Installation / Mural

Hong Kong

About Dennissoap

WONG Chun-keung . He was born in Guangzhou and migrated to Hong Kong at the age of six. Due to the facts that his mother was affected by Poliomyelitis since he was young and that his childhood was spent in Sham Shui Po, an old district in Hong Kong, WONG has built up appreciation on deteriorated fragments that surround him. He feels sentimental towards neglected images that people echo with and uses photography to capture beauty that comes from things being imperfect. WONG likes to pick up discarded objects and to imagine that these objects carry many secretive histories. Subsequently, through reconstructing them, he creates a way to bring out the beauty of imperfections. Expressions of humour which contradict with the subject are created with intention through the use of vibrant colours as well as eye-catching fluoro colours. Wong is particularly interested in understanding the relationships between human beings, spaces and living environments. These elements have inspired the artist to march forward boldly in order to fulfill his dreams.



Solo Exhibitions 2010 “sleeper on the street”, JCCAC

Hong Kong (Photography) Selected Group Exhibitions

2014 "Blissful Solitude" Objet a: SOLITUDE WEST BUND ART & DESIGN

Shanghai, Yuen Yeung (sculpture,Installation)

2013 "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" DETOUR various locations

Hong Kong, Marco De Mutiis / Yuen Yeung (Installation)


Hong Kong, Marco De Mutiis / Yuen Yeung (sculptur,Installation)

2012 "The Selfish Giant" DETOUR

Hong Kong , Yuen Yeung (Installation)

2012 DMY International Design Festival

berlin, Yuen Yeung (Installation)

2012 "Shed - Joint Exhibition of NG Ka-chun & WONG Chun-keung", A·lift Gallery ,

Shenzhen (Photography,sculpture,Installation)


(Photography, Installation)


2010 “街上的睡眠者”, JCCAC,

香港 (攝影)


2014 "独身的恩赐 戀物癖" "西岸艺术与设计博览会"

上海, 駌鴦 (雕塑, 裝置)

2013 "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" DETOUR

流動地點 香港 Marco De Mutiis / 駌鴦(行動裝置)

2013 "我等你" 10日節

香港, Marco De Mutiis / 駌鴦 (雕塑, 裝置)

2012 "自私的巨人" DETOUR

香港,駌鴦 (裝置)

2012 DMY International Design Festival

德國, 駌鴦 (裝置)

2012 "拾遺 – 吳家俊、黃振強作品聯展",提藝廊,

深圳 (攝影, 雕塑, 裝置)

2011 "留住 西營盤"長春社文化古蹟資源中心,

香港(攝影, 裝置)


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