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Seeking Inner Peace | Angel Hui in group show

Seeking Inner Peace

Works in Ink by Xu Jingwen and Angel Hui 27 January – 8 March 2016 Karin Weber Gallery

Opening Reception on Tuesday, 26 January 2016, 6-9pm

許經文及許開嬌聯展 2016年1月27日至3月8日

Karin Weber Gallery

開幕酒會:2016 年1 月26 日 ( 星期二 ) 晚 6 時至 9 時

Karin Weber Gallery is pleased to present Seeking Inner Peace: Works in Ink by Xu Jingwen and Angel Hui, a show that introduces the work of two young Chinese artists returning to ancient practices and subject matter which capture an age old spirituality many find absent from today’s world. Traditional Chinese culture values the human spirit and a virtuous life lived true to one’s heart, reflecting ancient philosophies such as Confucianism and Daoism. Artistic expressions of these beliefs often find their voice through the equally ancient, calligraphy-based medium of ink painting. Xu Jingwen (b. 1982), depicts the spiritual side of humankind in his Plain Landscape series, closely following in the footsteps of the most treasured masters of Chinese landscape painting. For Xu nature, paradoxically, becomes a metaphor for the spirit of the artist and all mankind. His small, focused landscapes -- depicting trees, rocks, clouds and sky – are purposely devoid of human presence. Xu’s intention, by eschewing a large-scale format, is to immerse the viewer in the peaceful settings he creates. Angel Hui (b. 1990), dedicates her practice to the examination of traditional Chinese motifs, symbols and patterns found in objects and decorations. By coupling age-old concepts with the unique influences of the present, such as ready-made and often disposable objects, Hui suggests an innovative way of celebrating meaningful cultural traditions. About the Artists Xu Jingwen was born in Shenyang and currently lives in Beijing. He graduated from Renmin University of China, School of Arts, majoring in Chinese ink painting. Unusually for this younger generation of artists, Xu has firmly mastered the traditional ink painting technique. Seeking Inner Peace is his debut show with Karin Weber Gallery. One of our gallery’s youngest artists, Angel Hui Hoi Kiu was born in Hong Kong. She received her BA (Hons.) in visual arts from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014. This was preceded by an exchange program leading to a BA in Chinese Painting at Minzu University of China (Beijing) in 2012. Angel is currently working towards her MA in Experimental Art at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. This is her second show with Karin Weber Gallery. 中國傳統文化著重「人」,凡事追求「心生活」,從自己德性上做起。尤其在藝術追求上,風景不只得風景,是藝術家的精神投射,追求心中一片淨土。 許經文對人生及人的精神層面和内心進行探索,一直都在尋找自己的精神家園。他的素風景系列水墨作品,雖然是畫人的精神,可是畫裏一直没有人的存在。樹、雲、山石及天空是他覺得在大自然中最有靈性的物體,可以滿足他的内心造境的需求。他透過現代人的觀看方式即所谓的風景畫的視角,來畫山水畫,把可居可游的中國山水全景畫單純化,用局部的方式體現另一種身臨其境的可游性。 許開嬌喜歡研究中國傳統中出現的符號、圖案及文字,慢慢地培養出一套心得。傳統的觀念審美感及幾千年來中國文化傳承下來的精粹,在她作品裏,變得平易近人,因她相信藝術源於生活。 兩位藝術家「反求諸心」,在凡事講求効率的社會,實在難得。 藝術家介紹 許經文的繪畫展現出對傳統繪畫技藝的純熟掌控,在當代年輕演出者中是很少見的。同時探索尋找新的語言形式,力求在完整傳承傳統繪畫技法的基礎上,尋求發展和突破。他懷有「精修古法,緩和改良」的藝術理念。許經文出生於瀋陽,現居北京。畢業於中國人民大學藝術學院,主修中國水墨畫。有別於其他年輕藝術家,許經文已熟練地掌握傳統水墨技巧。「主靜居敬」是他與凱倫偉伯畫廊的首個展覧。 許開嬌出生於香港。2014年獲得香港浸會大學視覺藝術(榮譽)學士學位。2012年於北京中央民族大學中國畫系當了一年的交換生。現在是中央美術學院實驗藝術學院的碩士研究生,目前於香港及北京學習與生活。


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