Art Together | "Once Upon a Goose"
由鵝頸橋出發, 「漫」遊銅鑼灣之旅 隨著城市現代化的腳步,銅鑼灣發展成商業購物中心, 曾經濃濃的歷史文化氣息受時光的洗禮而逐漸流逝。身處銅鑼灣鬧市中,人們的步伐不知不覺地變得急促,但這區卻蘊含不少值得我們放慢腳步,重新品味的舊日足跡。 或許,忙碌的你無暇走到藝術館裡欣賞藝術品。我們將藝術作品,帶到銅鑼灣的主要街道上,融入生活當中,透過文化藝術,讓公眾了解更多鵝頸橋附近一帶的歷史文化,關注社區發展。本藝術計劃邀請了五位本地漫畫及插畫家,以銅鑼灣的故事或歷史為題,以活潑豐富的漫畫作品,呈現銅鑼灣地區的獨特文化氣息。 是次計劃不單是作品展覽,我們還會舉辦一連串活動,包括「漫話鵝頸」雄仔叔叔講故事及文化導賞團, 歡迎公眾參加, 由鵝頸橋出發,欣賞作品之餘,還身體力行去體驗該區的歷史文化點滴, 來一次非購物的銅鑼灣之旅。 Starting from ‘Goose Neck Bridge’, to experience a slow / comic journey in Causeway Bay. With the rapid pace of urbanization, Causeway Bay has been developed to be a commercial shopping center, and gradually lost its historical and cultural atmosphere. Our pace becomes so fast unintentionally in this fast-moving district. However, many elements in Causeway Bay are still worth for us to slow down in search for the old trails again. In such a hustle and bustle city, perhaps you hardly spare the time to visit artworks in galleries. Therefore, we bring artworks into the main street in Causeway Bay, for more art integration in our daily life. Through the current project, we provide a platform for the public to learn more about the history and culture around Goose Neck Bridge, and also about the community development in the district. Five local artists are invited to join the “Once Upon a Goose” Under The Bridge Art Project. The theme of artworks is based on historical stories of Causeway Bay. Vividly comics have been created to showcase Causeway Bay’s unique social and cultural characteristics. Besides comic exhibition, different activities such as storytelling by Uncle Hung and cultural guided tour will be held for the general public. Starting from Goose Neck Bridge, participants are not only able to enjoy art exhibition but also to learn more about the history and culture of Causeway Bay. Let’s experience a non-shopping "slow / comic" tour in Causeway Bay altogether! 展覽 Exhibition: 開幕日期 Opening Date : 6/12/2015 (SUN) 開幕時間 Opening Time : 2:00 p.m. 展覽日期 Exhibition Period : 5/12/2015 – 29/2/2016 地點Venue:灣仔區堅拿道橋底(鵝頸橋,近登龍街) Canal Road, Wan Chai (Goose Neck Bridge, nearby Tang Lung Street) 參展藝術家Artists:章柱基 Kila CHEUNG ,馮捲雪 FUNG Kuen Suet,Michelle江康泉 (江記) Kong Khong Chang (Kongkee)雪晴 Suet Ching黃照達 WONG Chiu Tat, Justin 「漫話鵝頸」雄仔叔叔講故事 “Once Upon a Goose” Storytelling by Uncle Hung 由鵝頸橋出發,跟著雄仔叔叔遊歷故事世界 日期 Date:6/12/2015 (SUN) 時間 Time:2:30-4p.m. 地點 Venue:灣仔區堅拿道橋底(鵝頸橋,近登龍街) Canal Road, Wan Chai (Goose Neck Bridge, nearby Tang Lung Street) 「漫話鵝頸」導賞團“Once Upon a Goose” Guided Tour 日期 Date:3/1/2016 (SUN) 時間 Time:2:30-4pm 地點 Venue:灣仔區堅拿道橋底(鵝頸橋,近登龍街) Canal Road, Wan Chai (Goose Neck Bridge, nearby Tang Lung Street)
For more details, please click HERE.