Artist | Hsu Yung Hsu
Installation/ Sculpture
Tai Wan
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About Hsu Yung Hsu
Treating the body as a creative tool, the artist devotes himself entirely to the field of ceramic art. He emphasizes the dialogue between the body and his artworks, and confronts the clay by integrating the subject with the body. His artworks are created on the basis of the interplay between the world and his perception as well as tactile and algesic senses within the clay-based structure. To create the purest and finest ceramic artworks, the artist not only adopted complex and painstaking procedures of production, but also exercised his superior skill in kilning. Through the constant process of deconstruction and reconstruction, he successfully transformed the heavy clay into delicate lines and shapes. His awe-inspiring, extraordinarily “large” but “thin” ceramic works, along with their charm of innovation, all resulted from such a refreshing contrast. Following his philosophy of life, that is, “transcending life through life, transcending artistic creation through artistic creation, and finally transcending life through artistic creation,” the artist keeps challenging himself, expecting to transcend the confines of life and artistic creation.
The artist embedded his whole self-consciousness, body and life deeply in his works. Each piece of his works is created under the complex procedures of constant fluidity, repetition, and accumulation. The artist physically transformed the materials, using his own biological instinct to interweave and superimpose them into “nests” and “apertures.” Born from the artist’s body, these nests and apertures tried in vain to resist their instinctive drive, and therefore created the spaces that drift from the divine realm of Chronos to that of Aion. As far as the artist is concerned, nothing is more genuine than the aforementioned senses of life and existence. The artist exemplifies the senses with the two exhibited works. By virtue of absolute corporeal and spontaneous actions, he applied his living experiences to transforming the originally heavy porcelain clay into his delicate ceramic artworks. They seem to be in a state of proliferation and sprawling. They are simultaneously the parts and the whole, associated yet decomposed, and fractured yet connected. They not only reflect the thriving of natural desires, but also symbolize the sudden and dramatic surge of creativity.
Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2003 – 2007
MFA, Candidate of Ceramic Art, Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan
1971 – 1976
National Pingtung Teachers College, Taiwan
Solo Exhibtions
Outstanding Alumni Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
Prototype – Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, Moon Gallery, Taipei, TaiwanEnlightened Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu 1992-2014, Cheng Shiu University Office of Arts and Culture, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Streaming – 2013 Solo Exhibition of Hsu Yunghsu, National Central Univertsity Art Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition – Becoming. Refrain, Tina Keng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Iteration – In between Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Re-echo. Écart : Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Tai Yu Beaux Arts Salon, Chiayi, TaiwanRepeat – Hsu Yung Hsu Solo Exhibition, Moon Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition : Theater of Clay, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Werby Gallery, California State University Long Beach, California USA
Transcending Boundaries – Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Exhibition, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Moon Gallery, Taichung, TaiwanHsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, College of the Ozarks’ Art Center, Point Lookout, Missouri, USAHsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Leedy-Voulkos Art Center, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Utopia Ceramics Garden Living Gallery, Chiayi, Taiwan
Myth – Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Ching-Tao-Fang Ceramics Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Hsu Yunghsu Sculpture Exhibition, Contemporary Ceramics Gallery, Miaoli, TaiwanSeat. Seat. Seat. – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Open-Air Ceramic Sculptures Exhibition, Oringinal Cultural Village, Nantou County, Taiwan1995-2001 Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Kaohsiung Cultural Center, Kaohsiung, TaiwanHsu Yunghsu Sculpture Solo Exhibition, The Fifth Shanghai Arts Exposition, Shanghai, China
Seats – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Ching-Tao-Fang Ceramics Gallery, Kaohsiung, TaiwanSeat. Seat. Seat – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Open – Air Ceramic Sculptures Exhibition, Juming Museum, Taipei County, Taiwan
Century Dance Musical – 1999 Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Taiwan Province Arts Museum, Taichung, TaiwanHsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Gorgeous Ceramics Vineyard, Taipei County, TaiwanHsu Yunghsu Solo Ceramics Exhibition, Contemporary Ceramics Gallery, Miaoli, Taiwan
Dance Clay vs. Clay Dance – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Ching-Tao-Fang Ceramics Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Hsu Yunghsu ’97 Solo Exhibition, Zhenping Arts Center, Taichung, Taiwan
Dramatic Life – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition, Ching-Tao-Fang Ceramics Gallery, Kaohsiung, TaiwanHsu Yunghsu ’96 Solo Exhibition, Taipei County Cultural Center, Taipei County, Taiwan
Distinguished Alumnus of Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan
Grants,International Exchange Exhibition, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan
Regular Grants, Visual Arts Category – Exhibition, National Cultural and Arts Foundation, Taiwan / Iteration – In between Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition
Grants, Visual Arts Exhibition, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, Taiwan
Grand Prix, The 8th International Ceramics Competition Mino, Japan / 2007-6
The 4th World Ceramic Biennale, South Korea / Transcending BoundariesRegular Grants, Visual Arts Category –Creation, National Cultural and Arts Foundation, Taiwan /Transcending Boundaries – 2008 Hsu Yunghsu’s Creation Project
Regular Grants, Visual Arts Category – Exhibition, National Cultural and Arts Foundation, Taiwan / Hsu Yunghsu’s Sculpture Solo Exhibition
The Jury’s Special Award, The First Taiwan Ceramics Biennale, Taiwan / Myth
Finalist, The 6th Taiwan Golden Ceramics Award, Taiwan / As a King
Regular Grants, Folk Art Category – Creations, National Cultural and Arts Foundation, Taiwan / Dance.Drama – Ceramic Sculpture Creation
Finalist,The 17th Gold Coast International Ceramic Art Award, Australia / Dance
Finalist, The 20th Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award, New Zealand / Life as it Dancing Together (1)Bronze Award, Innovative Form Category, The 4th Taiwan Golden Ceramics Award, Taiwan / Joining for a Dance
First Place, Ceramics Category, The 2nd Tainan Fine Art Exhibition, Taiwan / Life on the Stage
Honor Awards, Modern Category, 1996 Taiwan Ceramics Arts Exhibition, Taiwan / Life is a Drama (2)
Finalist, Crafts Category, The 13th Kaohsiung City Arts Exhibition, Taiwan / Life as it Dancing Together (2)
Finalist, The 4th Aveiro International Artistic Ceramics Biennial, Portugal / Dancing Together (Series of three pieces)Bronze Award, Innovative Form Category, The 3rd Taiwan Golden Ceramics Award, Taiwan / Dancing Together
Second Place, Crafts Category, The 12th Kaohsiung City Arts Exhibition, Taiwan / The White Movement – Dancing Together (2)
First Place, Ceramics Category, The 22nd Taipei Fine Arts Exhibition, Taiwan / Dancing at Night
First Place and lifetime exemption from the judging committee review process, Ceramics Category, Kaohsiung County Art Exhibition, Taiwan
Finalist, Ceramics Category, The 1st Tainan Fine Art Exhibition, Taiwan / Life as it Dancing Together
Finalist, Three dimensional Art and Design Category, The 9th Nanying Award, Taiwan / Tango by Three Persons
Finalist, The 6th Chinese Ceramics Biennial Exhibition, Taiwan / Phantom Dance
First Place, Ceramics Category, The 21st Taipei Fine Arts Exhibition, Taiwan / Drop
Finalist, Ceramics Category, The 21st Taipei Fine Arts Exhibition, Taiwan / The White Movement – Dance
Finalist, Crafts Category, The 49th Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition, Taiwan / The White Movement – Duo
First Place, Ceramics Category, Kaohsiung County Art Exhibition, Taiwan / The White Movement – Dancing Together
Second Place, Ceramics Category, Kaohsiung County Art Exhibition, Taiwan / Link
Finalist, Crafts Category, The 47th Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition, Taiwan / Target
Finalist, Ceramics Category, Kaohsiung County Art Exhibition, Taiwan / Three’s Company

Should you be interested in working with the artist, please contact us