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Artist | Harvey Chan

Painting/ Drawing & Illustration

Hong Kong

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About Harvey Chan

In 1957, I was born Chi Cheong Chan, the third son of my parents who ran a tailor shop in Hong Kong. I travelled to Toronto, Canada in 1976 to further my education when I was 19. I graduated as an illustration major in Ontario College of Art and Design in 1982.

After graduation, I worked briefly as a caricature artist before I started pursuing my illustration career. I worked for most major design firms, publishing houses and magazines in Toronto.

In 1990 I started my adventure as a children's book illustrator when I received a call from Groundwood Books. My first book illustration project was " Roses Sing On New Snow ",written by Paul Yee, which won The Ruth Schwartz Foundation Award. My editorial work was also recognized by The National Magazine Award and CAPIC ( Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators in Communication ) with several Gold and Silver medals. Some other book illustration recognition includes 2 other Ruth Schwartz Foundation Awards and 2 times short-listed of the Governor General Award. In 1996, my illustration work for Paul Yee's " Ghost Train " also lead to the Enfantaisie Prize in Switzerland and Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Medal in Ottawa,Canada.

In 1998 I also started designing the Chinese Lunar Coin Series for the Royal Canadian Mint. Through the years, I have been also devoting myself in fine art. Figurative drawings and paintings has always been my passion. Besides illustrating and teaching, I also keeps myself busy with personal work and creating gallery work.

Harvey taught drawing, painting and illustration at Ontario College of Art and Design University, and Sheridan College. Harvey has also taught figure sculpture and drawing at The Toronto School of Art. He moved back to Hong Kong in Dec 2012 and plan to continue developing my career as artist, illustrator and educator.



1978~82 Ontario College of Art and Design, graduated with honour Professional Development

1986 Illustrator Workshop, St.Maartens

1986 Illustrator Workshop, University of Buffalo, New York

1990 Academy of Realistic Art, Classical drawing course with Michael John Angel

2010 Weekend with the Master, California, US

2011 Fechin Workshop, New Mexico, US


2001 Governor General’s Award, short-listed for Children’s Book Art, ‘Wild Bog Tea’.

1999 Ruth Schwartz Foundation Award for Canadian Children’s Books

1999 Gold and Silver Awards from CAPIC (Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators in Communications)

1999 Communication Arts Illustration Annual

1998 Governor General’s Award, short-listed for Children’s Book Art, ‘Music for ‘The Tsar of the Sea.’ 1998 Gold, Silver and two Awards of Merit from CAPIC

1997 Amelia Frances Howard Gibbon Medal from the Canadian Association of Children’s Libraries at The National Library in Ottawa

1997 Ruth Schwartz Foundation Award for Canadian Children’s Books

1996 New York, Society of Illustrators

1996 Applied Arts Annual, Gold Award

1996 Studio Magazine, Gold Award

1996 Communication Arts Illustration Annual

1994 Communication Arts Illustration Annual

1992 Ruth Schwartz Foundation Award for Children’s Book Paintings for “Roses Sing On New Snow”

1990 Studio Magazine, Silver

1990 CAPIC Annual National Show, Gold and Silver Awards

Partial Client List

Bank of Nova Scotia

Canadian Centre for Philanthropy

Canadian Opera Company

Canadian Stage Company

Canada Post

Groundwood Books

Hospital for Sick Children

Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People

MacMillan Publishing Company

Michael Jordan


Royal Canadian Mint

Second Harvest

Simon & Schuster Publishing

Stratford Festival: Cyrano de Bergerac, illustration for advertising and promotional campaign.

Trimark Financial Management

Utne Reader Magazine

American Showcase

Reader Digest Young Reader

University of Western Ontario

Art Exhibitions

One Person Exhibitions:

2012 “Lost and Found in Transition”, solo exhibition at á ce soir Bar &Café, Hong Kong

2011 “Unspoken Poetry of the Senses”, IndexG Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2011 “Face It~ More Than a Portrait Show” Bunky Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2010 “What If…”, Bending Spoon Gallery, Toronoto, Canada

2009 “Close Stranger”, Keep Six Contemporary, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2008 “Unspoke Poetry of Senses”, ArtxLife Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

1998 “Geometric Abstract”, Le Commencal, Toronto, Canada

1998 Original art from Children book “ Ghost Train “ and

Mini Restro at Mclaren Centre,Barrie,Ontario,Canada

1990 Yorkville Public Library Gallery, Toronto, Canada

Group Exhibitions:

2015 “Mad Styles”, with members of Mad Stylus, Artland Gallery

2014 “Known Unknown”, Two-man show with Tomori Nagamoto, Toronto, Canada

2014 “Contemplation”, Galley M, Toronto, Canada

2013 “Macau/Hong Kong Illustrators”, Macau Art Museum, Macau

2012 “Old Neighbourhood Art Show”, TC2 Café, Hong Kong

2012 “Unworldly Reunion ”, collaborated with 30 artists, Toronto, Canada

2011 Sixty Jeans Flagship Store Grand Opening Art exhibition, Hong Kong

2010 “Button Show”, IndexG Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2010 “Birds and Bees”, Smash Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2010 “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”, Smash Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2009 “Haiku”, with Tomori Nagamoto, Smash Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2009 Fountain Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2008 “Unspoken Poetry of the Senses“ ArtXLife Spa Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2008 “Chi Collective” Sculpture Show, TOAE, Toronto, Canada

2008 “Samurai Show~Ode to Edo “, Smash Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2007 “The Bax Bear Show”, Keep Six Contemporary, Toronto, Canada

2007 “Evolution” with Yumi Onose, IndexG Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2007 “YoYo Show”, Sweet Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2007 “Chan vs Todd~Collaboration Sk8” , Sweet Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2006 “Skateboard Show” , Montreal, Canada

2006 “1i5 Group Show”, Yves Laroche Galerie, Montreal, Canada

2006 “Spring Salon”, Toronto, Canada

2005 “1i5 Group Show”, Spin Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2004 “Erotic Show”, Lula Lounge Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2002 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Toronto, Canada

2000 Open City, Toronto, Canada

1990 Open City, Toronto, Canada

2001 Art in the Annex Walking Tour, Toronto, Canada

2000 Original Art 2000, Society of Illustrators, New York, U.S.A.

1996 Neighbour Group Show, Gallery Gong, Toronto, Canada

1999 CAPIC Annual National Shows, Toronto, Canada

1994 Asian Art Festival, Theodore Museum, Toronto, Canada

1993 Guild Inn Outdoor Show, Toronto, Canada

1992 Two-man Show, Gallery Gong, Toronto, Canada

1985 The Society of Publication Designers Annual Illustration Show, New York , U.S.A.

Corporate Collections

Trimark Financial Management, Xerox, University of Western, Bank of Nova Scotia, Environment Canada, Hospital for Sick Children, Manulife Financial.


2014 Petrified World, written by Jeff Storm, CCB Publishing

2002 Poetry for Young Readers, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Sterling Publishing.

2001 Wild Bog Tea, written by Annette LeBox. Groundwood Books

2000 The Child’s Story ,Written by Charles Dickens, Simon & Schuster

1999 ttuM, written by Teddy Jam, Groundwood Books Groundwood Books

1998 Music for the Tsar of the Sea, retold by Celia Barker Lottridge,

1997 Three Monks, No Water, written by Ting-Xing Ye, Annick Press,

1996 Ghost Train, written by Pail Yee, Groundwood Books,

1993 The Charlotte Stories, written by Teddy Jam, Groundwood Books

1991 Roses Sing on New Snow, written by Paul Yee, Groundwood Books

For the The Royal Canadian Mint :

From 1996 to present :

The Silver Cameo Lunar Series of 12 coins

The Gold Hologram Series of 12 coins

The Dr.Bethune 60th Anniversary Memorial coin

The Good Fortune Ancient coin

The Blessing of Wealth coin

The Blessing of Good Fortune coin

The Dr.Bethune 75th Anniversary memorial coin

Employment history :

1984~present Freelance Illustrator ( with i2i Art Representative )

2013~ present Instructor, Hong Kong Design Institute, Creative Multi-Media Illustration

2005~2011 Sessional instructor ,( 1st year Drawing, 2ndyear Media and 4th year painting ) Ontario College of Art and Design University,Toronto,Canada 2000~ 2011 Sessional instructor at Sheridan College, Oakville, Canada

( 3rd Drawing & Painting, 4thyear Illustration degree program )

2003~2011 Basic Sculpture and drawing instructor at Toronto School of Art

1984~1985 Caricature artist, Ontario Place/Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Canada

Personal Details :

I have moved back to Hong Kong since December 2011, after living and working in Toronto, Canada for last 30 some years, as a freelance illustrator/educator/fine artist. The main reason for this change is so that I will be closer and more accessible to support my aging family members in Hong Kong. At the same time, I have found the city more fascinating as I came back more in recent years, in term of the evolution in artistic, cultural and social diversity. It’s still a place full of dynamics and energy that is ever renewing. The role of being an artist in this city, mainland China, and Asia in general is something that I am also eager to explore. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with the new generation of illustrator/artist from all around the world, who are equally curious about the new world we are tapping into, as we are open to learn on a daily basis. Digital and traditional media are equally important in my work.

*Reference Are Available On Request

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