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Artist | Wong Apple Hiu Fung

Painting/ Drawing

Hong Kong

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About Wong Apple Hiu Fung

Visual Arts graduate of Hong Kong Baptist University. Has been active in local art scene since her student period, participating in group exhibitions in Hong Kong. Likes to use different media to express her creative idea, like canvas, paper, wood or installation. Acquired Hong Kong Cliftons Art Prize 2011, the selected work has been collected by Cliftons.

Human being is at the center of Wong’s art practice. We seemingly are living together, but actually we live in an individual way with our own world of thoughts, emotions and relationships with other people. Wong thinks these are the most beautiful and unique part of human life.

Thoughts, emotions and relationships are very abstract things, which cannot be seen or touched; they appear in a very private way that we can only understand them by ourselves. Through creating artwork in different media, Wong keeps exploring the private part of our soul. Artworks of Wong explore human being with associated meanings in the hope audiences will themselves reflect on how beautiful they are.

浸會大學視覺藝術院畢業生,於在學時期已活躍於本地藝壇,曾參與各大小的藝術展覽。黃氏喜愛透過不同媒介來表達其創作理念。除了畫布外,亦以紙本、木板、裝置等來展現所關注的議題。黃氏曾獲得2011年的Cliftons Art Prize(Hong Kong),其獲獎作品被Cliftons所收藏。


思想、情感和關係都很抽象,它 們以很私密的方式出現,我們能感知和意會,但不能看見或觸摸。通過不同媒體的藝術創作,藝術家一直在努力探索我們靈魂的私處。這些藝術作品在探索「人」的 含義,希望從中能讓觀者察覺到自己-「人」最美麗的一面。



Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University



Affordable Art Fair 2015

A-Gallery, Young Talent Hong Kong 2015

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Off Course Brussels Art Fair 2015


OFFCourse asbl, Brussels, Belgium

Autographs -Young Artists Exhibition

Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall, HKUST


Re-encounter by Bambi Lam, Apple Wong and David Wong


Artify Gallery, Chai Wan

Apple Wong Hiu Fung Solo Exhibition- Talking To Myself


A-Gallery, Central

Enliven-Fresh Trend 10th Anniversary Art Graduates Joint Exhibition


Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong City Hall, Central, Hong Kong

HKBU AVA Grad-Show 2014: Extension

香港浸會大學視覺藝術院本科畢業展 2014: 延續展

K11 Art Space, K11 Art Mall, Tsim Sha Tsui

Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Visual Arts BA (VA) Graduation Exhibition 2014

香港浸會大學視覺藝術院本科畢業展 2014

AVA Kai Tak Campus, HKBU

Hong Kong Baptist University Visual Art Student Society Annual Exhibition


Koo Ming Kwan Gallery, HKBU


WYNG Masters Award 2012 Student Exhibition


ArtisTree, Taikoo Place


Here and There: Dialogue between Hong Kong and Japan


K11 Art Space, K11 Art Mall, Tsim Sha Tsui

Yau MaTei Leftover Guide Art Exhibition


Woofer Ten, Kowloon


8+3 Discovering the Infinite, By Nothingness the Beings Evole

8+3藝術展 - 發現無垠.實本虛生

K11 Art Space, K11 Art Mall, Tsim Sha Tsui

Toys Pradise: Creativity and Toy Culture in Hong Kong


HKDI Gallery, Tseung Kwan O

Memories of King Kowloon


ArtisTree, Taikoo Place

LIGHT UP-Amnesty International 50th Anniversary Exhibition

Light Up- 國際特赦組織(香港)50周年人權藝術創作展

Rat's Cave & HAJI Gallery & Tai Ping Shan Street, Sheung Wan

The Cliftons Hong Kong Art Prize 2011 Exhibition

The Cliftons Art Prize 2011香港區展覽

Cliftons Hong Kong, Central


Whose Quality Control?


Gallery, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity



Cattle Depot Artist Village, To Kwa Wan



Enliven-Fresh Trend 10th Anniversary Art Graduates Joint Exhibition﹣ Outstanding New Artist


Ming Dot Dais Award (Sponsored by Ming Dot Dais Limited)


Hong Kong Cliftons Art Prize 2011

Should you be interested in working with the artist, please contact us


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