Artist | Huang Hsin-Chien
Tai Wan
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About Hsin-Chien Huang
Hsin-Chien Huang is a content creator who is fluent with both digital technology and traditional art. He graduated from National Taiwan University’s mechanical engineering department, and then got his bachelor of art in Art Center College of design in Pasadena. He acquired his master of science in Institute of design in Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. He had collaborated with media artist Laurie Anderson on her first interactive CDROM “Puppet Motel”. He also had experience to work with computer entertainment companies like Sega and Sony as art director. After he returned to Taiwan in 2001, he established Storynest, a team of creative people to support his art creation. Currently he is a devoted artist and also teaching at several universities on interactive media. His most recently works include installations for Shanghai’s World Expo and Taipei’s Flora Expo.
The process of create new media art is to explore the essence of meanings and technologies to preserve my intimate existence.

Should you be interested in working with the artist, please contact us